Sunday, 15 June 2014

Summer bucket list

Hello guys!

You see, I've always wanted to write a bucket list but just never knew when/where or what to write.
As you know I decided recently to give more attention to things that make me happy and one of those things is this blog <3
And having that in mind I wanted to do a slightly personal post. Therefore I opted for sharing my summer bucket list with you. :D

For me summer starts mid June as unfortunately the first half of June is quite boring because of school.
But as soon as school end the world is oyster (at least until September *hah*)
So lets get started and excited for the months ahead...

At first it was just an empty page with only a little title at the top. I was having trouble with writing anything...
mostly because I believe that the best moments are the unplanned ones, but I dug deep and pulled a couple of  ''hopes'' and wishes out :D

1. Take more photos *say cheese*
I'm very keen on photography and would like to capture some memories so they can last forever <3

2. Travel
My love for traveling is huge... I've definitely got the ''travel bug'', no doubt in that... I wish I had more opportunities to travel, but unfortunately that ain't the case. Hopefully I will find a way to do more of it :**

3. Be happy :D
Sounds odd, I know, but most certainly I don't want to get upset or down about anything this summer :D I'm gonna give my best to always have a smile on my face.

4. Friends
Spend as much as possible time with my friends just building up memories...

5. Go camping!
I have never been camping and I think it is about time I tried it ;)

6. Do more extreme sports
I guess you could call me a bit of an adrenalin junkie *hihihih* I love doing sports that are  tad different and do cause your heart to race... ah how I need that feeling


7. Family
My sister is a person I honestly can't live without, so this summer should be fun :D

8. Work on myself!
I have this idea and a picture in my head of what I should be like and what I think would make me a better person. So this summer I will take every opportunity to evolve me

10. Meet new people
This something I enjoy doing and will do more of *fingers crossed*

11. Blog about it*
This is like an additional task :D I realized that blogging makes me extremely happy and I will put more of an effort into finding time to blog for sure :D <3

Hope you guys liked this post :D
let me know what your bucket list looks like in the comments below

lots of love
Angie <3 xox

Friday, 6 June 2014

Something new

Hello guys! <3

I'm just gonna cut it right to the case.
You see I've strongly decided to bring some changes into my life.
I'm trying to build up my character and make it as strong and as independent as possible, because I believe that that will make me genuinely happier! :D *optimism*
Now I've really started with introducing small new things in my life
and to be honest I already DO feel BETTER

The thing is I wanna share this with you and I'll do a serious of posts describing my new and improved lifestyle :D <3

This time I'm writing about some fitness and health things and mantras I've been doing :3

Lets dig into it :D

1. Push yourself to get up before the rest of the world - start with 7am, then 6am, then 5:30am. go to the nearest hill with a big coat and a scarf and watch the sun rise.
Now I know that this certainly isn't easy, coming from me first, but honestly I am putting much effort to ''catch'' the sun rise. And let me tell you it can feel pretty amazing :D

2. Push yourself to fall asleep earlier - start with 11pm,then 10pm, then 9pm. wake up in the morning feeling re-energized and comfortable.
This is also a difficult task for most of us, but there is nothing like a good nights sleep, am I right? 

3. Reduce processed food from your diet. 
Surely we should all put a thought into doing this as it's our health we're talking here about and there is not much that is important than that.

4. Stretch. start by reaching for the sky as hard as you can, then trying to touch your toes. roll your head. stretch your fingers. stretch everything. 
Trust me, it makes a huge difference

5. Buy a 1L water bottle. start with pushing yourself to drink the whole thing in a day, then try drinking it twice.
This step is super important. Drinking more water will speed your metabolism and help you stay energized

6. Organize your room. Fold all your clothes (and bag what you don’t want), clean your mirror, your laptop,vacuum the floor. Light a beautiful candle. 
Supposing your room is that one place where you can just relax and get away from everything it should be a place where you are the most comfortable.
Now I know that this step isn't really fitness related but it's just a little something that I find important so why not incorporate it :D

7. Have a luxurious shower with your favorite music playing.
Treat yourself with a pamper evening. Make yourself feel special. 

8. Push yourself to go for a walk. take your headphones, go to the beach and walk. smile at strangers walking the other way and be surprised how many smile back.
Brighten someones day with your smile :D

9. Become the person you would ideally fall in love with.
Now this may sound a tad odd but is very true. If you don't love and believe in yourself, who will?

10. Lie in the sunshine. daydream about the life you would lead if failure wasn’t a thing. open your eyes. take small steps to make it happen for you. 

Thursday, 5 June 2014


Hello guys! :D
Soo, we are coming towards the end of May... *time flies by*
and basically it's mid-year time :D but for me it's kind off like the beggining
I was going trough some of my stuff 
a bit of a spring/summer cleaning :3
when I came across a list of thing I was planing on doing this year.
And I was absolutely disappointed with the fact that I didn't make much of an effort to do any of that...

which is why I decided to put more of an effort into making my goals and my self a better person.
It definitely won't be easy but I will give it my best go :D

this is kind off a motto going trough this blog post and in my life from now on..

I've already stared working on keeping my cool..
Not letting other, completely irrelevant people get to you makes a difference :D
I found that I enjoy my day muck better without stressing over others 
Another thing that I'm trying to embrace is not to get agitated about thing I can't change.
I now tend to go more with the flow, rather than against it :D